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Looking for voluntourism opportunities? Within the Virunga there are lots of opportunities where you can volunteer. From projects that work to protect the mountain gorillas to local community empowerment projects, there is a lot to learn while adding your input as well.

Volunteer at Dian Fossey Foundation

If you want to help to protect the mountain gorillas, you can volunteer at several organizations including the Dian Fossey Fund, in Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda. You will follow in the footsteps of Dian Fossey and assist with mapping out the behavior of the animals and help to inform the local population about the situation on the gorillas.

Volunteer at Mgahinga National Park

Working as a volunteer will add real depth to your holiday. In Mgahinga you can work as a volunteer, helping both humans and animals. Particularly important here is the education of the local population. You will learn about the problems and help to try to find solutions.