Out of the 17 species of reptiles and amphibians on the official list of Virunga Forest, only 12 were actually observed during the 2004 survey that covered the whole of the three contiguous protected areas (Rwanda, DRC, Uganda)
Great Lakes Bush Viper Atheris nietschei
Olive house Snake Lamprophis olivaceus
Rwanda Forest Green Snake Philothamnus rwandee
Lizards, Skinks:
Sparce-scaled Forest Lizard Adolphus Vauereselli
Jackison’sforet Lizard Adolfus jacksoni
Rwanda five-toed skink Leptosiaphus graueri
Striped skink Mabuya striata
Chameleons :
Ruwenzori Side –striped Chameleon Chameleo rudis
Frogs , Toads :
Grauer’s puddle Frog Phrynobatrachus graueri
De Witte’s Clawed frog Xenopus Wittei
Ahl’s Reed Frog Hyperolius castaneus
Variable Reed Frog Hyperolius viridiflavies
Cinnamon-belled Reed Frog Hyperolius cinnamomeoventris
Kivu Tree Frog leptopelis kivuensis
Karisimbi Tree Frog Leptopelis karisimbiensis
Sqeaker Frog Arthroleptis adolfi-friederici
Kisolo Toad Amietophrynus kisoloensis